
CoolSculpting Submental Fat | Eliminate Double Chins Non-Invasively


CoolSculpting Submental Fat | Eliminate Double Chins Non-Invasively

CoolSculpting submental fat is a great way to eliminate the appearance of double chins and submental fullness. Learn more about the non-surgical treatment and discover if freezing away unwanted chin and below the jawline fat is the right way for you to sculpt your jawline for a tight, youthful-looking profile.

What is Fat Freezing?

Cool Sculpting, known as fat freezing, is a revolutionary way to reduce stubborn fat without painful, invasive surgery. This non-surgical fat reduction procedure uses an applicator that exposes fat cells to a controlled cooling known as Cryolipolysis. This advanced technology effectively freezes subcutaneous fat cells.


Once the fat cells are frozen, they crystallize and die. Several weeks after treatment, the body naturally collects the dead cells and expels them from the body. As a result, Cool Sculpting provides long-lasting, natural fat reduction.

Fat Freezing Treatment Areas

When CoolSculpting first joined the body contouring market, it was the only FDA-cleared way to reduce stubborn fat with Cryolipolysis on the abdomen and flanks. As years passed and the treatment’s popularity continued to rise, the makers of CoolSculpting developed additional applicators. The newest line of applicators targets isolated fat in other areas of the body.

One of the latest innovations to the fat freezing treatment is the CoolMini applicator. The CoolMini makes targeting smaller, hard-to-reach pockets of fat easier to treat. Before this applicator, surgical liposuction was the only way people could reduce submental fullness. Thankfully, now these individuals can turn to CoolSculpting for a painless way to reduce chin fat and below the jawline.

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What Causes Submental Fat?

CoolSculpting submental fat is the best option for people struggling with submental fullness. According to a survey, one out of every two people struggles with the appearance of their double chin. Typically, fat deposits in the submental region are affected by genetics, gender, and hormones and are challenging to eliminate on your own.

CoolSculpting Submental Fat

Before the introduction of CoolSculpting and the Coolmini, people had to undergo surgery to reduce submental fullness. The new applicator, The CoolMini, reduces fat efficiently without surgery, stitches, a lengthy recovery period, general anesthesia, or injections.

Not only is CoolSculpting submental fat effective at reducing problematic fat buildup, but it is also clinically proven safe. According to scientific findings:

  • CoolSculpting submental fat achieve, on average, a 20% fat reduction after just one treatment
  • 83% of patients were satisfied with their results
  • 8 out of 10 patients would recommend CoolSculpting double chins to a friend
  • 7 out of 10 patients reported the procedure was comfortable

CoolSculpting Submental Fat Near Me

CoolSculpting submental fat is now one of the most popular treatments available at Metro Laser. We are a leading provider of CoolSculpting and provide patients with a safe, comfortable way to eliminate embarrassing chin fat. Call us at 215-735-2737 to schedule a free consultation to learn more about CoolSculpting submental.

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