
Cool Sculpting | Learn About Fat Freezing Stubborn Fat

cool sculpting

Cool Sculpting | Learn About Fat Freezing Stubborn Fat

Cool Sculpting is the most popular non-invasive body contouring treatment available. Cooling cycles freeze away bulges of fat from the belly, love handles, chin, and more. It eliminates the fat using patented cooling technology, Cryolipolysis. Results are natural-looking and, best of all, long-term. Learn more about Cool Sculpting and discover if this method of fat reduction is suitable for your needs.


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How Does Cool Sculpting Work?

Cool Sculpting treatments work by eliminating fat cells entirely. Cycles use a controlled cooling emitted through a proprietary applicator to target subcutaneous fat under the skin. Once the fat cells are exposed to the cooling, they crystallize, and their membrane ruptures. When this occurs, the cell can no longer store fat, causing it to die. This action triggers a natural immune response that gathers the dead cell and disposes of them through the lymphatic system. After eight to 12 weeks, the fat reduction is most noticeable, and patients see a more lean, contoured physique.


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What Areas Can Cool Sculpting Treat?

Cool Sculpting treatments can vanquish stubborn bulges from nearly anywhere on the body, at the top of the body. Starting from the head, treatments can freeze and reduce fat from double chins and neck. All the way down to the knees, Cool Sculpting targets that hard-to-reach pocket of fat above the knee. In between, treatment areas include the lower abdomen, love handles, hips, inner and outer thighs, back fat, armpit fat, upper arm fat, and more.

Schedule a free consultation with a knowledgeable treatment specialist to learn if Cool Sculpting can target and reduce fat in your most notorious problem area. At Metro Laser, our specialists are equipped with the skill needed to evaluate each patient’s body to determine their treatment candidacy and if Cool Sculpting can reduce their fat.

How Much Does Cool Sculpting Cost?

Cool Sculpting cost varies per person. The prices depend on the treatment plan created for each patient. Elements that influence the cost include the size and type of applicator needed, the number of cooling cycles, and the treatment areas selected to freeze. Treatment cost is covered in greater detail during your consultation.

Cool Sculpting Near Me

To get the most optimal cool sculpting results, it is crucial to select the most reputable provider. When you choose Metro Laser as your Cool Sculpting provider, you’re in good hands. We are a leading provider of successful fat-freezing treatments in the Plymouth Meeting and Yardley, PA areas, serving patients in Philadelphia. Call us at 215-735-2737 to schedule your complimentary consultation to discover if this method of fat reduction is suitable for your needs. You can also reach out to us online to learn more. 

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